Friday 3 June 2011

The Test Report Sheet

This is what the examiner marks your test on. Click on it for a bigger view.

It looks complicated but it's logically arranged.

Your name goes into the big long white bar at the top, and you have to sign your name in the box in the top left hand corner. The rest of the top few lines is admin stuff that has to be filled in, like the name of the examiner, the instructor's registered number, the date and time, the cars registration number, etc. This bit also records if you have an observer present on your test. That may be your instructor, or an interpreter, or occsionally, a supervising examiner, who is there to make sure rhw person marking your test is doing the job properly.

The main body of the form is the marking section. Anything you do wrong while on your test, the examiner will have a box for it somewhere.

Each of the three main columns is divided into 3 bits, marked "Total", "S" and "D"

"Total" counts up any minor faults in each section. You're allowed upto 15 minor faults on your test, but it you keep making the same minor fault more than 4 times, it becomes a persistent, and therefore serious fault.

"S" is a serious fault. If you get any serious faults, you will fail your test.

"D" is a dangerous fault. As you might expect, if you drive dangerously, you will fail your test.

The "eyesight" bit only has a checkbox under "S". If you can't read a numberplate at the required distance, you automatically fail your test, and will not drive the car at all. For everything else, there are degrees of fault. That degree is partly dependent upon whether anyone else is affected by what you've done.

At the end of all that, there are three boxes maked "pass", "fail" or "none". If you've passed, the examiner will  check the "pass" box. If you fail, the "fail" box gets ticked, and if the test cannot be completed, perhaps because someone crashes into you through no fault of your own, ir gets marked as "none".

If you've passed, you sign the bottom of the form to say you've recieved your certificate.

And that covers most of it. If you have any questions, go right ahead and ask!

1 comment:

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